
CALENDULA salve. Handmade by the sisters of Presentation Sisterhood, Bungarby.
Handmade by the sisters of Presentation Sisterhood, Bungarby. Presentation Sisterhood is a female Orthodox monastery in the Snowy-Monaro district of New South Wales.
Australia. Ingredients- olive oil, natural beeswax, calendula flowers.
Calendula: soothes eczema and dermatitis, heals minor burns and cuts, helps remedy bunions and foot ulcers.
Calendula therapeutic properties. Calendula is an antiseptic, it contains antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. The herb also astringes the capillaries, an action that explains its effectiveness for cuts. wounds, varicose veins and various inflammatory conditions.
Skin remedy
It is above all a remedy for the skin. It provides effective treatment for: grazes and wounds; red and inflamed skin including minor burns and sunburns: acne, eczema and rashes; fungal conditions such as ringworm and athlete's foot; nappy rash and cradle cap.